Shuffle Photo Order For Slideshow Mac

Now here’s a curious concept. Viewing your PowerPoint slide show in a completely random order. When everything we do here at BrightCarbon is about telling your stories more effectively with a logical and linear flow it might seem like a very strange thing to want to do. So why would you want to do this?

  1. Shuffle Photo Slideshow Windows 10
  2. Shuffle Photo Order For Slideshow Mac

I love PowerPoint. There, I said it and I feel better as a result, just as my therapist told me I would. I use it to create all sorts of things from the obvious presentations, to print documents, videos and even animated GIF images. I love PowerPoint even more when I can get inside it and use VBA code to make it do stuff most people don’t even know is possible.

I recently organised a birthday party for my wife and, as I have a high-quality projector mounted on the ceiling, I thought it would be cool to have a slide show of pictures from across the years playing on the wall. But pictures weren’t enough, I wanted them to be ‘presented’ with an attractive design, a timeline indicator and captions. It was an obvious choice to use PowerPoint to design the content.

The completed presentation has one slide for each of my wife’s years, which will get me into a lot of trouble! Playing it back in order was ok but I wanted to mix it up and have the slides appear in a random order to make it a bit more interesting. Jumping from college years to a baby, to an adult, back to a teenager made it more interesting than running in a linear timeline.

There’s no native feature in PowerPoint that lets you run your slides in a random order. So, I opened up the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) built into PowerPoint and wrote a quick VBA macro to do it for me.

  • You can play the slideshow of photos in chronological order or shuffle them. To shuffle your photo: Tap the screen. A menu bar will appear on the top. Click 'settings'. A drop-down menu will appear. Click 'advanced features' and select whether you want to show your photos in chronological order or shuffle them. Click 'ok' to save these settings.
  • From within an album, you can click the Play button and get a quick slideshow. With this method, you have the option to shuffle the order, and play music - but you can't 'fit' the duration of the.
  • It does not appear possible to view a slide show of one's uploaded photos in a random order. Instead, it seems photos are always shown in slide shows in the same order - the order in which they appear in the thumbnail screen list.

I do slideshows all the time for my family, using an iPhone streaming ('AirPlay') to an AppleTV. You can set the dissolve, speed, and music, but I don't think there's an option to change the sort order in iCloud Photos. Maybe a third party app. You can load your own images into the screen save for an Apple TV.

The macro does a couple of things. It firstly works out how many slides there are in the presentation and creates an array (a bit like a table of data) in which all of the unique slide IDs are stored. You might not know, but slides in PowerPoint have a couple of identities. The one we all know is the slide number. But that changes if you move the slide around the presentation. The next one is the slide ID and this is both unique and constant. It gets created when a new slide is added to the presentation and never changes, regardless of where the slide is in the presentation.

This array of slide IDs is then shuffled like a deck of cards using a randomise function. Finally, the randomised array is used to create a custom slide show that is then set to run. And the really cool bit is that every time the macro is run, you get a different slide order.

Shuffle Photo Order For Slideshow Mac

The full VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macro is included below and if you need to know how to use it in your presentation then check out our How to use VBA in PowerPoint article. The comments in green tell you what each part of the macro is doing.


Each time you run the RunRandomSlideShow macro you’ll see your slides appear in a slide show in a different order. When you quit your slide show, you can then see what the macro has done by clicking the Slide Show tab in PowerPoint.

First, click the Custom Slide Show menu and choose Custom Shows…

This opens the Custom Shows window and you’ll see that a new custom show called Random has been created:

If you select this custom show and then click the Edit button you’ll see all of your slides on the left hand side and the randomly ordered list of them on the right:

Remember, each time you run the macro this order will change.

This is how the macro creates the random order slide show but how does it actually run it? Close the windows above and back in the PowerPoint Slide Show tab click the Set up Slide Show button. This opens up the settings for your slide show:

Here you’ll see on the right hand side that instead of showing All your slides, the macro has instructed PowerPoint to run a Custom show called Random. It also set the show to Loop continuously until ‘Esc’ so that it never ends!

You could use the same technique to add some spice to your PowerPoint Karaoke – also known as PowerPoint Roulette or Battledecks – an improvisation game where you give a presentation to an audience without knowing the content of the slides!

Shuffle Photo Slideshow Windows 10


Shuffle Photo Order For Slideshow Mac

There you have it. Now you can go out into the world and play random slide shows to your heart’s content. And if you want to know more about macros, check out our other VBA blog articles. If you’re interested in add-ins, we have a very cool free one called BrightSlide and should you be interested in having us develop a custom solution for you, get in touch here.